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Saturday, December 10, 2011



SYMBIOSIS.... living always in proximity with some shrine tuned me to the temple bells and the metallic loud-speaker Bhajans.. sleepless early mornings before the arrival of the care taker of the temple was peace ; simply because only nature's music could be heard.. all these moorings made a volte-face when destiny pulled me for the second time to a place where snakes twine around like twigs , where dogs like doberman are way farers and birds are none other than Peacocks .. the chirping musical notes were displaced by "the devil's voice of the peacocks having angelic feathers and the walk of a thief ".. thus, remembrances of decades of reverberating chimes from the temple bells perished and coalesced in the infernal voice of he big birds in the wee hours of the day ..

living always in proximity with some shrine tuned me to the temple bells and the metallic loud-speaker Bhajans..
sleepless early mornings before the arrival of the care taker of the temple was peace ; simply because only nature's music could be heard..
all these moorings made a volte-face when destiny pulled me for the second time to a place where snakes twine around like twigs , where dogs like doberman are way farers and birds are none other than Peacocks ..
the chirping musical notes were displaced by "the devil's voice of the peacocks having angelic feathers and the walk of a thief "..
thus, remembrances of decades of reverberating chimes from the temple bells perished and
coalesced in the infernal voice of he big birds in the wee hours of the day ..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011